OK – on to “Plan B”!
[The following is the
opinion of myself personally, not as the Membership Coordinator, and does not
reflect the views of the remaining Lincoln Land Chapter officers. If they agree
with me on this, that’s fine, but for now this is my beef and mine alone.]
We had hoped to have an opportunity to do some “real”
outreach at the Quaker Steak & Lube (QS&L) bike nights this year, but corporate America
reared its ugly head and we got a chance to see QS&L for the money grabber
it truly is. They were really excited to give us the opportunity to increase
our exposure, expand our reach to the next generation of riders and builders
and make some good connections… as long as we came up with the cash to play.
They didn’t want to hear anything about our plight, give consideration to the
fact that we are a not-for-profit legislative rights group, or that we
represent the motorcycle community and
the culture – they just want to push some more wings and beer and collect fees from the participants.
At least when I take my scoot out there, I can put a flyer
on the rack and a few brochures on the saddlebags until they ask me to put them
away or leave.
I’m not sure where we go from here. My suggestion is that
you get a few buds together and go on out to the events, check out the bikes
and have some onion rings and a beverage. There will be plenty of riders there,
and it will be a great time to talk with them about rider rights, legislative
concerns, customizing your machine and managing your bike ownership and
operation. (Sound familiar? I think I’ve written that before…) They might not
want us to make a “formal” presence at their events as a positive motorcycle
entity, but they can’t keep us from spreading a little good on the blacktop one
on one.
OK – I’m done bitchin’.
“Grant me the strength
to endure, the wisdom to outsmart and enough tequila to medicate.”
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