
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Trying to land with no motor and a busted landing gear wheel

Hi kids! I've resorted to putting a note on the blog from the iPod and it's not too cool with no goggles. I haven't posted a bit since September and I have had a lot to post. Unfortunately, having my daughter on dialysis puts a lot of things in a holding pattern, and when the HP shot craps, there was no big rush I replace it.

I was hoping to have a new laptop by now, but that's not happening until after tax time. Otherwise I would be posting se pix of my son's first true build - a really sharp little hardtail lane splitter that is really sharp! I can't believe how Kick-ass this thing will be when it is done.

Anyway I'll be back in the saddle soon, preaching the importance of ABATE and the Lincoln Land Chapter and motorcycle right hopefully soon. In the meantime, keep thinking that in about 6 more weeks, we can get riding (although I've been riding to work the last three days here in central Illinois)!

1 comment:

  1. Apparently he auto-spell likes to replace the word "I" for the word "to". Must have been developed by Illinois state government - it just does dumb things for no explainable reason...
